ARCA Jump X Challenge
This Event is only available for riders who are members of ARCA WA Affiliated Clubs.
The event is aimed at all riders of ARCA and consists of two phases; Dressage and Jump X - cross country over non solid fences (poles or show jumps). The heights start with poles on ground.
ENTRIES EXTENDED - Note Gidgegannup Dressage Division just joined ARCA on 16 June 2011 and as such entries have been extended til 12 noon Saturday 18 June 2011 for all competitiors.
Penalties will be as per eventing scoring system though stops and knock downs for Jump X will incur 5 penalties each. There will be no eliminations except for falls due to safety. Where a rider/horse is considered unsafe they will be requested to retire.
Teams event.
Teams of up to 4 riders (minimum 3 and note it is riders meaning can't be two horses with same rider within the 3), the best 3 scores will count. Riders must all be in the same competition and from the same club. Jump4Joy have generously sponsored a voucher for $150 for the overall team (of all competitions) with the lowest penalities.
Individual Event.
All riders are eligible. A Maximum of 2 horses per rider and they must supply a helper to assist with 2 times the duty. Note that global allows up to 4 but the entry will not be accepted for the additional 2 rounds. Only one round per horse. You must contact the organisers prior to entry to nominate your helper if you have a 2nd horse.
Canteen & Coffee.
We have organised for a great coffee van to be at the event for those who need their shot of caffeine.
Cool drinks, water and superb cake will be available.
Amazing Gourmet Quiche and Salad will be available pre-order with your entry for $8.
Very limited non-ordered lunches will be available.
The Fees are $50 per competitor, plus if you are not a member of Zamia (the host club) or Equestrian WA you will need to pay an additional $10 for limited 3rd party insurance cover! Payment is by credit card and via Global Entries Online only, payment within 20 minutes of registering is required.
A helper deposit of $20 is a requirement - no help no ride. Remember to get to your helper duty on time without fuss. It is envisaged that all riders will undertake the Jump X jump judging for approximately 20 riders, you won’t be out there all day!
Full refunds less 10% are available prior to the close of entries, note as per eventing rules no refunds are available after the close of entries even with documents.
Any Questions please email
L Plates - Aimed at green horse or green riders or our older competitors (either the horse or the Jockey)
Dressage test will be Prep 2 and Jump X via poles and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 250 mpm.
The Hackies – Aimed at those who are not at all interested in jumping but happy to ride out and have spent time developing their flatwork. Dressage test will be Affiliated Novice SN.C 2009 andand Jump X via poles and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 250 mpm.
P Plates – Aimed at those comfortable trotting into cross rails up to 45cm.
Dressage test will be Prep 2 and Jump X height of 45cm and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 275 mpm.
Introductory ARCA – Aimed at those comfortable trotting and cantering in their Dressage and into cross rails up to 45cm.
Dressage test will be Prelim 1B and Jump X height of 45cm and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 300 mpm.
Encourager – Aimed at those developing the fundamentals of jumping but may need finessing with their dressage.
Dressage test will be Prelim 1B and Jump X height of 60cm and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 350 mpm.
Improver – Aimed at those developing the fundamentals of jumping and started some lateral work on the flat.
Dressage test will be Affiliated Novice SN.C 2009 and Jump X height of 60cm and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 350 mpm.
Show Offs – Aimed at those developed a clear jump and started some lateral work on the flat.
Dressage test will be Affiliated Novice SN.C 2009 and Jump X height of 75cm and compulsory flags. Jump X speed is 375mpm.